3 years after

📅 23 Apr 03:00 UTC

Howard Zinn and “A People’s History of the United States” - History Club
w/ Jason Steinhauer, Cyrus Merrill, Jonathan Brusco
Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” is one of the most influential history books ever written. It has sold more than 2 million copies and its ideas inspired the Zinn Education Project, which has shaped history curricula in high schools and colleges across the U.S. Who was Howard Zinn? Why did his book and ideas become so popular? What influence has the Zinn phenomenon had on the American education system, positive and negative? Join us! All are welcome. NOTE: this event is part of EDUC8, a three-day education conference on Clubhouse. Portions of this event will be recorded [🔴].