Thought Provoking Sh*t

If you found this club, then you are probably like me. Someone who is starving for intellectual stimulation on a multitude of topics that just cause you to think — deeply. Yes, it is a mysterious club... 👀 curated by me, Roxy Ndebumadu, featuring the best minds. The goal is to keep you guessing through unrelated topics that provoke thought. Coming up soon: 🗝 2/19 @7pm EST - The Woman Code w/ author, Sophia A. Nelson 🧰 2/23 @6pm EST - Being a generalist in a world of specialists. 🏫 2/24 @6pm EST - Can institutional bias be perceived as healthy? 💵 3/2 @6pm EST - Does ethical awareness have a place in monetization? 💻 3/3 @6pm EST - Is Facebook the greatest democratizing force? If you have topic suggestions, would like to participate in any upcoming topics, or interested in being a cofounder please reach out! But in the meantime follow 👇🏾 for some thought provoking sh*t.

🥺 Sorry Nothing Found today 🥺