Black Women Who Invest

Black Women Who Invest is a a safe space for Black women to explore, learn, and share about investing. Hear from experts with diverse backgrounds and their unique lived experiences on a variety of investment topics. Learn how investing can impact your bank account, quality of life and community, from a Black woman's perspective. Join our community of 22k+. Created by @TaniChambers **1st Member Below👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾** 🛑⚠️PLEASE READ🛑⚠️ We discuss LONG TERM investing and some short term. This club is NOT about *get rich quick schemes.* Review the club rules before requesting to join. We have a NO TOLERANCE policy. Sorry. Not sorry. TOPICS ✔️Stock Market Investing (not trading) ✔️Retirement (401K, IRA, etc.) ✔️Real Estate Investing + REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) ✔️Alternative Investments (Art, Classic Cars, Stamps, Coins, + more) ✔️Venture Capital (VC) & Angel Investing ✔️ Equity Crowd-Investing (Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns) ✔️Investment Syndicates, Clubs + Cooperative ✔️Tax Planning ✔️Estate Planning ….. and more! WEEKLY SCHEDULE 💲INVESTING 101: Getting Started [Saturdays] 💲Books over Brunch Club [Sundays] 💲So you want to invest in startups? [TBA] 🛑⚠️PLEASE READ🛑⚠️ Investing entails risk, including the possibility of loss of principal, and there is no assurance that the investment will provide positive performance over any period of time.

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