Bridge the gap in tech

We provide Inclusive tech events. Think of us as your supportive digital family in Tech. We are here to help you achieve your tech career goals, through training, programs, outreach and access to our community. We aim to increase the amount of people of colour in Tech throughout the UK + Abroad. Bridging the gap between the diaspora around the world. Follow us on twitter @bridgegapintech & Instagram @bridgethegapintech

3 years after

Late night studying/work πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’» - Bridge the gap in tech
πŸ“… 16 Apr 22:00 UTC
πŸ“ˆ Popularity index: 2

w/ HanaCodes

Come work with me w/ lofi beats.


3 years after

Accountability (60 mins) #BTGIT - Bridge the gap in tech
πŸ“… 22 Feb 21:00 UTC

w/ HanaCodes, Noura A.Sheikh, Maryan Abdi, Tessy Aura, Deena McKay, Lizzie Daniels, Nathan Cable, Abdurrahman Mohamoud, EsmΓ© | toldbyesme, Hafsa Issa-Salwe, Sim Jacq, Temi Erinoso, Narsha Njoya, Alex Sherwood

What’s your February been saying? Have you gotten closer to your goals? Let’s chat.