Karaoke Club

Welcome to Karaoke Club, the first club for live karaoke on Clubhouse! 🀩🎀πŸ₯³βœŒπŸΌ Thank you for showing up, being you, and inspiring us to find our way. This club was created for the purpose of celebrating one another in a lighthearted and fun environment every Saturday 9pm-11pm EST. We believe in allowing the less serious parts of ourselves to shine through. What you’ll need for this mission😎: * Your voice * A separate device to play your music * A willingness to be yourself * Your support and appreciation for those courageous enough to perform Together, we wish to illuminate a spotlight for those who wish to show up. We’re always open to thoughts on facilitating an experience that uplifts others. Questions, feedback suggestions?Please reach out to [email protected]

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