Welcome to the 💰📊 SMBizMBA Club! 🌟 To join, tap “Follow” and confirm you’re also following @adryenn (the first person listed below). ➡️ To invite the club to your event, contact @adryenn. ✍🏼️ DM @adryenn on Twitter for speaker suggestions or topic ideas. 👀🧏🏼‍♀️SMBizMBA is a supportive community of entrepreneurs, founders, freelancers, solopreneurs, freelancers and side-hustlers looking to create joint ventures, networking, and accountability while navigating the new normal. ➡️ Follow/Join to have direct access the experts you need to succeed in business. From finance, marketing, legal, and scaling, the fireside chats and panels we host always include Q&A to make sure you get the best information you need. 💵 Join us weekly for expert-driven chats, informed interviews & interactive hot seats on all things business. We will cover the strategies, tools and tactics to master:   ✨ How to STRATEGICALLY HANDLE NEGATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA ATTACKS ✨ The latest techniques to QUASH NEGATIVE RESULTS ✨ The Fast Way DOMINATE RANKINGS ✨ The No-nonsense process to turn around and take control of your reputation. Resources: ✨ Tools to do social media right without it taking a full-time hire ✨ The vocabulary of success that converts leads into clients ✨ Sales Funnels that work ✨ And much much more!  Also: ✨ Dealing with the polarizing effects of the election in your business ✨ Reviewing vendor and service contracts to make sure you’re legally covered and own your business ✨ Evaluating potential clients, partners and vendors to prevent future negative reviews (this is critical!) 💃🏼🕺🏼 Please nominate any entrepreneurs / small business owners as well as speakers and experts.

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