Ya Grandma's Garden & Houseplants

Welcome!! This group is for newbies and experienced gardeners, farmers, florist and plant lovers. We’ll explore several topics from planning and plant care to profiting from your home garden. This group is for all of us! My grandmother taught me everything about plants and gardening so the title is in homage to her🌱. ***[email protected] ***********************************We love community, herbs, flowers, vegetables, fruits, houseplants, soil, farming, microgreens, growing, tea, landscaping, homestead, wellness, hydroponics, aquaponics, composting, nutrition, garden coaching, farmer’s market, food justice, agriculture, artisans, makers, growing, food, cooking, florist, greenhouse, botany, community gardens, food subscription, product development, horticulture, food tech, educators, nutrition, dietetics, regenerative agriculture, future of food, urban gardens, bees, pollinators, hemp, plant medicine, plant therapy, permaculture, ecosystems, climate, spirituality, coaching, mindfulness, ocean farmers, chickens, plant crafts, business and networking . *****Club email: [email protected]

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