“Buy & Hold” Real Estate Investing Group

The Buy & Hold Group 🏘🏢💳 Buy and hold real estate is a long game—not that there is anything wrong with a short game strategy like wholesaling or mid-range strategies like fix and flips. These methods have their place in this business, but the strategy that requires long-term planning and builds long-term wealth is buy and hold real estate. To truly play the long game with buy and holds, you need to have a really strong team around you—a dream team. Buy and hold is a residential real estate investment strategy in which an investor buys a property they plan to own over a long period—anywhere from five to 30 years. The value increases over time, and the investor enjoys a stable monthly cash flow from the rental income. These properties can be single family homes, apartment buildings, or other multifamily options, like duplexes and triplexes. I can go on forever but I would rather you tap in weekly as I hold groups breaking it all down for you with other like minded individuals on stage who’ve obtained tons of buy & hold success in the real estate business. Much appreciation for becoming a member and I hope to add value along your real estate journey. Also, please be sure to follow the founder of the Buy & Hold Group ⬇️ @AsahnGuyton

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