Future of Science

📆 Main event every Saturday 6th Feb, 12 noon EST. Join us as we explore What’s next for science! We are amidst a once-in-a-century global crisis. The scientific method has the power to create transformational change and allow us to make decisions during uncertain times. Thus, scientific thinking as scale is more urgent than ever. Science itself is also going through one of the most powerful changes since its invention. New tools for thinking together with online communities are accelerating progress. To make sense of this change, we need conversations in the spirit of enlightenment coffeehouses ☕️ Places where people could get together and play idea jazz and understand the world - together. Join us as we discuss the role of science in today’s society and how new technologies such as data, AI and new tools for thinking will shape scientific progress. How do we ensure research is reproducible? How do we best communicate science? What is the impact of new tools doe thinking to doing science? How can communities power discovery? What are the ethical impacts of our work? How has AI impacted the practice of science? We’ll explore all this and more! We’ll host meaningful conversations in the spirit of ☕️ Enlightenment Coffeehouses. We we will create a space for dialogue and for people to play idea jazz together. Where we can riff of each other’s thoughts to increase our collective wisdom💡🎷. When everything is changing fast, let’s slow down and understand through dialogue. Together. 🙌 Join us by following the club below and @flaviu and you will receive an invite. Make sure to have a profile description!

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