Health + Tech

Welcome! This club is all about the topics at the intersection of 🏥healthcare and 💻technology. We host regular discussions for our members who come from enterprise, startup, and venture backgrounds. Follow the club to get alerts for upcoming events. Contact us if you have a proposal for future events. Kiyan Rajabi: @krajabi Pallav Sharda: @p-s Adam Schlifke: @schlif _______________________________________ UPCOMING EVENTS (all at 5p PT) ▪️2/24: Decentralization & Health Applications for Blockchain ▪️3/2: The Original iPhone Medical Devices PAST EVENTS ▪️2/9: Digital Health SPACs ▪️2/17: Remote Monitoring & The Virtual Care Techstack _____________________________________ #digitalhealth #physicians #health #healthcare #healthcareinnovation #healthcaretechnology #healthIT #healthtech #hospitals #informationtechnology #medstudent #mentalhealth #informatics #biotech #startups #healthstartups

3 years after

Virtual Care: Present & Future - Health + Tech
📅 07 Apr 01:00 UTC

w/ Adam, James Wantuck, Pallav Sharda, Kiyan Rajabi, Fay Rotenberg

We currently live in a virtual first world. It’s no different in healthcare where virtual first offe...