Bodacious Black Women over 50

πŸ‘‘ Welcome to the Queendom!! πŸ‘‘ Bodacious Black Woman Over 50 is for the woman who wants to walk boldly into her next best life! This is where you come for candid conversations about midlife mindset makeovers, health and wellness, relationships, self-development, motivation, inspiration, education and all things AGING WITH EXCELLENCE!! Our network is designed to support the mature woman of substance and style whether you are reinventing yourself or stuck in a midlife rut. Our group will help you level up and live out loud! There will be no parking in the comfort zone allowed here. Let’s be clear: there are probably more years behind us than in front of us, right? So let’s make the years we have left count! You can create the passionate and purpose driven life that you desire and deserve and NO ONE can stop you but YOU! πŸ”₯ Membership has privileges! πŸ”₯ ANYONE CAN HOST A ROOM IN OUR CLUB! 1). Follow Linda Husser @lindashusser on Clubhouse and Instagram 2). Send her a DM on Instagram to schedule your room. 3). Have interesting and thought provoking topics! Do you have suggestions on how to make the group even more awesome? πŸ—£ Let a Sista know!! I am always open to creative ideas and subject matter that you would like to see featured here. 🀩

πŸ₯Ί Sorry Nothing Found today πŸ₯Ί