Daniel Priestley clubhouse profile page

👋 Entrepreneur and author. Started, funded, scaled and sold businesses. Launched a global business accelerator for fast growth entrepreneurs. Written 5 best-selling books.📚 Awarded Top 10 entrepreneur advisors in London. Business speaker and coach to several fast growth (Inc5000) entrepreneurs, private equity portfolio and FTSE100. FOUNDER 🚀Dent.Global Business Accelerators with offices in London, Sydney and Toronto. Over 3300 companies globally have been through cohorts with us. Our clients typically have 15+ years experience in their industry. Ask us for a case study similar to your business. [email protected] 💻ScoreApp.com, scorecard marketing software designed to give entrepreneurs access to the kind of hyper-targeted lead generation tools that bigger companies deploy. Use the code “clubhouse” at ScoreApp.com for an extended free trial of the software. LINKS: https://linktr.ee/danielpriestley 📚AUTHOR   - Entrepreneur Revolution - Key Person of Influence - Oversubscribed - 24Assets - How to Raise Entrepreneurial Kids - Contributor for Forbes and Entrepreneur.com FREEBIES 📬Free Book - email [email protected] with your details and my team will send you one (in UK, North America and Australia). 🙌 Free Group - I do FB live sessions on getting your business Oversubscribed - www.Facebook.com/groups/oversubscribed 📈BIZ/PORTFOLIO - Rethink Press - Really Bright Media - SO Technology - Robot Mascot - The Growth Guys - BizEquity - Copy.io NEW ARTICLE - ENTREPRENEUR.COM Should Entrepreneurs Join the New Social Media App Clubhouse? http://entm.ag/pPUTwz 👀 My Vision - entrepreneurial teams solving the worlds most meaningful problems. 🎯 My Mission - develop entrepreneurs to stand out, scale up and make a dent in the universe. 🏆 My Core Values - be brave, have fun, make a dent. PERSONAL Born in Australia🇦🇺🦘 living in London💂🏻‍♀️🇬🇧, happily married to ❤️@AlenaDundas with 3 kids. I have recently started CrossFit but the gym is now on lockdown 😢. I really enjoy geeking out about stoicism. I just bought a Fender Stratocaster! 🎸 I secretly love bands like Metallica, Muse and Blink182. I also still listen to Club Classics and Trance while reminiscing the days before smartphones. 🎧 📩 Feel free to DM me in Instagram or Twitter.
Followers: 32182 Following: 1009
Twitter: DanielPriestley Instagram: danielpriestley

3 years after

Habits, Routines & Goals of the Elite - Entrepreneurs, Start & Scale up Business
📅 03 Mar 16:00 UTC
📈 Popularity index: 5

w/ Rob Moore, Paul Omahony, Ed J C Smith, Samantha Brown, John Lee, Nick James, Daniel Priestley


3 years after

⭐️Dr. John Demartini⭐️ Business Mastery With Purpose
📅 27 Jan 17:30 UTC

w/ Paul Omahony, Ryan Pinnick, Dr Demartini, John Lee, Nick James, Daniel Priestley, Jason Osborn, Beejel Parmar, Rob Moore, Pavlina Papalouka, Shaa Wasmund MBE, Jessen James, Chris Farrell, Clarissa Judd

Dr John Demartini, the world’s leading human behavioral specialist is LIVE on his first ever Clubhou...